Health & Wellness


How it Works

I asked myself how can I better serve my clients? Many of the people with whom I’ve worked have similar struggles.

For me, it was my own habit of binge eating.

Through the power of a great support group and an excellent leader, I was able to conquer my eating disorder. My support group, Coffee and Commitment with Ellen, is for anyone who continues to go up and down with their weight or has struggles with food related issues. My strong belief is that no food is really taboo and I help people learn to rid themselves of their food fears and live a full life.

My first struggle with weight began at the age of 13 with my very first diet and by the time I was 18 had escalated to a cycle of bingeing. I went to different therapists and nothing worked until I heard about a group run by an excellent facilitator that specialized in eating disorders.

This changed everything for me and I want to share what I learned from this experience. Offering my clients more was a natural progression. The power of a support group is limitless.

It’s interesting to hear people describe their first support group meeting. They will often say, “You know, until I went to the group I thought I was the only person in the world with my problem. I was so surprised to find that everyone in the group had the same issues as me.” This realization usually brings about a feeling of relief, by gaining the understanding, for perhaps the very first time in their life, that others have similar concerns and are there to help and encourage you. After you realize you aren’t alone and within a safe and supportive environment, you will begin to feel comfortable sharing your feelings and life circumstances with the group. This can be a very therapeutic and healing experience, particularly as you find that others in the group will listen non-judgmentally and will praise you for your openness and courage.

Support groups offer lots of practical tips and resources for dealing with concerns, and members share their success stories and the strategies that helped them move forward in their journey.

It’s very powerful when you see others in the group who are further along their paths that have made great strides toward having happier and healthier lives. These positive role models show you that recovery is in fact attainable, which brings renewed hope for the future.

You can also gain increased insight about the factors that have contributed to your current challenges and the strategies that seem to work best to help you move toward your goals.

Just as you benefit from the group experience, you can also help other members make progress. Others will be affected positively by hearing about your successes.

The group process is one of the most powerful tools we have to deal with issues and challenges. It works!


There are a lot of great things to say about Ellen’s Coffee and Conversation group, but first and foremost her approach is effective. Along with support and encouragement of an intimate group setting, Ellen’s guidance and advice comes from years of personal experience and from knowing what works. For the first time in my life and after trying every kind of diet and program, I feel like I am finally gaining the right tools and solutions to help me navigate my relationship with food. I am eating like a “normal” person, going out, being social AND losing weight.
— Alison M.
To say that I look forward to my group sessions with Ellen is an understatement. I absolutely LOVE my sessions with her!
Ellen has the ability to bring us together, ask the right question, cut through the negative inner voice, and imagine an alternative habit.
During our coaching sessions Ellen had each of us commit to small, real, attainable goals that were manageable and easy to stick to.
Each week I had an opportunity to hear other’s success stories, which in turn, motivated me to share mine.
I’m very grateful to have been a part of C & C community of individuals with shared values and shared struggles.
Ellen is genuinely warm and caring, intuitive to my needs, endlessly encouraging, and always seems to say something which makes me laugh…and we all laugh! “
— ~ Jill H.
By participating in group coaching with Ellen, I have learned so many valuable lessons from Ellen about how to mange triggers, plan ahead, set achievable goals and not be afraid of food. The group aspect offers the opportunity to interact with others who share my struggle- and that connection has become so helpful- to know that I’m not the only one going through it. The group also sets up accountability, which has been critical for me, and it has also become a place for us to learn from each other. I have been yo yo dieting and obsessed with my weight and food for probably 32 years and this experience has truly changed my mindset when it comes to my weight loss journey.
— ~ Meghan
Since joining this group, I have been able to open up and talk about my challenges around food, reducing the guilt and shame around emotional and binge eating. The group meetings, discussing specific topics, along with our own challenges and commitments has helped me stay more accountable to my goals weekly and helping me build a better relationship around food and increase my confidence. Ellen’s support, understanding, and guidance through the group, has made this process, which is normally a huge challenge for me, easier and her confidence in me has helped me stay on track to making this a lifelong success.
— ~ Abby